Sunday, October 23, 2011

Latest news for October

We battle on here as Blakenall Councillors... been having some good residents meetings ... around North Walsall , around Newholme way, and we plan to hold many more to directly address issues that face you bringing together a team of the police, housing group, the council, representative from anti social behaviour unit... please get in touch with us if you have an issue you would like us to tackle.
Had some continuing success in the campaign to combat those wretched tat wagon owners who run their business from home... no objection if they use proper premises... but they are getting around £350 a time on each run... do they pay tax and national insurance? please sign the e petition which when gets to 100K will be the subject of a debate in Parliament.
Persuaded the Council at least to run a pilot to bring the tethered horse situation under some control. A notice to remove them from Council land has cleared Swannies field. These horses are popping up in more places... Mill street again etc and toher parts of Goscote...
We are on the case of getting the money released to use for the benefit of the people of the Goscote area ( £56K left after Gosctoe Centre closed) We shall hold public meetings and consult to find what areas would directly help this area.
Good news for the residents of Oak Crescent who will get those terrible pot holes repaired within the next 2 weeks with a total resurface next April.
One item that really anoyed me was the knowledge that the help line run by the tax and benefit office is an 0845 premium one and the average cost per call is around £15 .. which is disgraceful as those using the number find that they are paying a vast sum to enquire about their often difficult financial circumstances and being ripped off ..
more news soon... do get in touch with us with any issues etc
Look forward to hearing from you
Ian Ann and Bob
Your local Councillors