Thursday, June 20, 2013

Death by a thousand cuts.

Death by a thousand cuts

News that Walsall Council will be obliged to make £80 million more cuts over the next 5 years could ring the death knell for services for the vulnerable who are the weakest in our society and who have the most to lose in quality of life. We in the labour Party will do our utmost to ensure that we help those who are already falling through the net and are facing a very bleak future for no fault of their own.

How to move forward?

As a start a serious cull of those in upper management must occur… we do not need an army of over paid civil servants.. as the Gilbert and Sullivan song goes.. they will not be missed…

As a Council we are not anything like skilled enough in the art of robust and fairly ruthless negotiation of contracts and getting the best possible deal for the Council tax payer.

A number of services could be provided by the not for profit sector in many cases, much cheaper and more effectively than

We need a streamlined joined up organisation of the voluntary sector who , if given a seat at the top table in joining in a proper partnership can deliver vital support to our caring services but they need proper acknowledgement of this important role.

All partners need to join forces whether it be housing, social services, the police, the NHS along with the voluntary sector to avoid duplication of effort and resources.