Monday, June 28, 2010

Ban the Tat wagons from parking up in residential streets!

W Hi
    I am fed up and I am sure you are that these Tat wagons continue to flout the laws of planning.. again as your local councillor , both myself Ann Young and Bob Thomas keep raising this issue.. the latest is Notice of Council agenda for 19th July...
Notice of motion
This Council welcomes both the   efforts of individuals and those running a business,  to increase recycling.  .
Council notes the Notice of Motion passed on 2nd July 2007… where
This Council resolves to make every effort via a full strength enforcement team to stop this activity and to urge and give every assistance to our partners such as the environmental agency and the police . Further this   Council will also share such  information with Walsall Housing Group to encourage them to enforce their tenancy agreements which are clearly being broken in these cases and where appropriate information will be shared with our statutory partners.

This Council notes with concern that since that Notice, the problem appears to have become considerably worse and is affecting an even wider area of streets in this Borough.
Council resolves to have urgent discussions with local Councillors, the Police, the environmental agencies, Walsall Housing group, and other appropriate agencies on how this serious anti social behaviour can be permanently stopped, while still encouraging the efforts of the more responsible people in recycling various forms of scrap or ‘tat’.

Also am asking the following questions.... 
Question…  …
What is the detailed breakdown in reasons for sickness absence by employees of this Council over the last year along with a length of time absence expressed if possible please in numbers of weeks absent for individual employees and cost of providing cover either by agency staff or by seconding other employees to cover these absences ? 

  News that over 90000 days were lost at Walsall Council last year due to sickness absence, equivalent to 391 years in work days,

When will the disgraceful state of Butlers passage be corrected? and what has been the cost  so far in the previous attempts to restore and clean up?
-         What is the current estimated cost and time scale of correcting the pothole damage caused by the frost during last winter?


Cllr Ian Robertson


1 comment:

  1. On one hand, I think the tatters are showing commendable entrepreneurialism and they should be encouraged - there are 3 large scrap dealers I can think of who seem to be doing OK, thank you (Wolverhampton Road, near the Afro-Carribean Ctr, Bloxwich Road near the bus garage and Green Lane near Homeserve) so you can't blame them for wanting to have a piece of that.
    On the other hand, they are thieving toe-rags who cause great inconvenience by nicking drain covers and the like.
    On balance, I suppose I would prefer to see them supported and legalised rather than eradicated.
    Imagine the business rates you'd rake in if they were all legit and the benefit savings would probably add up to a few quid, too.
