;This time of year we must look forward to 2012 and what we aim for in Blakenall
- ;action against illegal metal dealers who operate running a business from their residential address license required for display as with taxis. :
- full consultation on the plans to be proposed to build a completely new community in the Poets and Goscote empty area. Despite the economic difficulties created nationally and internationally a lot of hard work has been going on to move forward on the stalled plans for this area. Progress has been made and the proposals will be published early in the new Year and I am pleased to have already had meetings with residents to seek their views.
;firm action against anti social behaviour in partnership with a hands on support by the police, a better partnership commitment by Walsall Housing Group and other landlords .. those who privately let their properties and are often totally absent landlords and do not take up proper references
a commitment to dramatically improve the standard of maintenance of open spaces… removing shrubs to remove any hiding place for either litter or criminals: full exploration of opportunities for communities to join together in social enterprise:
;fairer distribution in this ward for road and pavement repair : action against those irresponsible dog owners who do not immediately clear up after their dog fouling and that includes parks and open spaces:
; use of more community orders against those who break laws about dropping litter to get them to have to do some clearing up as part of their punishment;
; a no tolerance regime against those who deal in drugs : ban on cheap alcohol below cost promotions:
;20 mph zones around all schools : reinstatement of road safety training for our children.
;every take away to have to maintain and provide a litter bin for their premises:
;proper fair regulation of stray horses:
; get away from the fine culture and into more community service type orders,
; more support for community ownership and maintenance of buildings and use. More use of school buildings as community based activity and training: reskilling; could encouraging parents to come back to ‘school’ be a motivating factor for their children also and support them?
;Research what funding is there to support such social enterprise and how we can support it… areas of social care, child care and elderly… apprentices…
;Examples of where we might commission from a social enterprise… some forms of elderly care : also support for Family Intervention plans to try and break the cycle where dysfunctional families have dysfunctional children who grow up to lead equally dysfunctional families of their own
;Cookery classes for families etc to be able to live well but cheaper as budgets are put under a lot of pressure.
Energy saving measures for council and schools plus help for all to save energy .
;Encourage neighbourhood watch and community groups with this grant offered and encourage them to take some ownership of their community.
;Friends of park support… Leamore Park needs to become a star park for access to sports and leisure... we can get access to grants… more for open spaces?
;Parking rationalisation.. can we impose other penalties rather than fines?
;Better organised youth support. Too many youths idly hanging about street corners
;Obesity in children; war on drug trafficking and below cost sales of alcohol
;Street theatre.. we need to attract people to Walsall centre
- Development of community and social enterprise moving the community forward under their ownership.. there is grant money out there to tap into.. just needs the leadership.
;Public exercise points as in Reedswood
- we need to expand the potential of sites such as Hollemeadow and Ryecroft resource centres to provide improving skills opportunities and address the unemployment issues especially amongst our young people.
;Fair deal for all.
;Best start possible for our children
At least the above will make a good start and cost very little..
see you around in 2012
Ian Robertson
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